Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Character Posinggggg

Hehehe. The assignment I enjoyed the most ._.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

House on a Slope

I wasn't satisfied with my makeshift last-minute-just-throw-in-whatever-and-hand-it-in house on a slope so I redid it..... though i think it went kinda out of hand and ... it's not really on a slope any more............. but...................................... atleastihadfun

The very second (thefirstwastoouglytobeshown) edited version of my lil alien house on a slope. I didn't like it after 10 seconds.

So I redrew it and tried to add a bit more 'mood' to it.

LINE QUALITY. oneofmyfavouritethingstodoplsdon'tkillme.

Speed painted, as you can see. lul. There's still a lot more stuff that can be added to it, but I got lazy. kekeke. I personally prefer it before it was painted o.0

Sunday, 21 October 2012


I suck at layouts. So I try to draw them as much as possible...

This is just an experiment. I might come back to it if I really like it:

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Character Silhouette

Current character I'm working on for character design class. (Y)
This is just his action pose silhouettes that I did for fun - I'll post the actual coloured ones when I'm awake and fully satisfied with them lool.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Hands and Feet

This didn't take as long as I thought it did..... that or maybe I'm not trying hard enough... LOL. It was really fun though. I enjoyed this assignment~

Gesture Drawings are a new experiment that was thrown on us ... it was fun though ^^

Update: ohohoho. i has none perspectives on my hands and feet.. -inserts Title Page that was done the day before it was due cuz I redid it-


Thursday, 18 October 2012

Dear Diary...

Today I kinda accidentally almost burned the kitchen.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

it's 3:04 AM and i'm staying up late msning lololol so i decided to post these up.

6 1/2 hours - 3 paintings... i had to redo them cuz they were ugly. I'm actually surprised that i was able to churn out so many in one day x____x


 First ugly ball I did. I thought it was too small so i redid it......... turned out most of the examples were about this size...................................................................................................................

Second ugly ball that I did. It was obviously too big; and when I showed it to other people they all thought my first ugly ball was better, when I took like.. 1 hour for that one and about 3 for this. This reminded me of that ... white bird from angry birds:

Just staring into your soul...

My final ball that is not as ugly as the second one. I was like - looks decent.. i'm done! lol. but yea...definitely need to work more on gouache.

Friday, 5 October 2012

ahaha.. ahahahahahha #ididthissolastminute
i actually didn't plan on sticking with this layout...but when wanted to change it it was already too late..i will work harder for the next assignment v _ v

p/s i forgot the assignment so i actually made 3 renders of the same drawing e_e ohohohoho (Y)

Final sketch:

First render (with 4 light sources):

Second render (with 2 light sources omgosh):

Third (and final) render (with one light source):

; - ; i need to study more layouts

and yes, i know the car has weird proportions :P